Lift with ease in your home gym!

Having a dedicated space at home to exercise can make it easier to stay fit and incorporate workouts into your daily schedule. It is more convenient than going to a public gym because many feel self-conscious working out in front of others. A home gym is a perfect way to get in shape. Since the pandemic, we’ve seen many gyms lockdown, in-studio classes move online, and the very convenient home gym rise.

Depending on the size of your home, budget, and choice of ways to work up a sweat, owning an at-home workout space can mean anything from a basement to a converted spare room.

If you’re looking to turn your attic, garage or spare bedroom into your dream home gym or yoga studio. Then these ideas will inspire you to design one as stylish and functional as possible, making it a perfect motivator to peel oneself off the couch and get onto the mat or treadmill.

Set a theme for your home gym:

The first step towards converting your space into a home gym is to select a perfect theme that fits the rest of your home. It could be either a minimal look or a colourful, exhilarating interior that creates an energetic atmosphere. A well-thought design can give your home gym a more pleasant, aesthetic and balanced look. You can use natural materials like wood floors, exposed brick materials or a whitewashed interior with neutral-toned accessories for that Zen look. If you wish for a more airy gym, add a pale tone with wall-paned windows or a striking ceiling to create a more space-age look. You can be creative & inspiring depending on your budget and space size.

Choose the right space:

Establishing your home gym in a suitable space is essential. Evaluate the area you need depending on your exercise style. Hence, you must use the space you have to create a layout with an excellent spatial flow. Breaking up the space into smaller areas instead is more practical. Ensure natural light is abundant from windows or doors. Studies have revealed that sunlight stimulates mood and serotonin levels, which helps boost energy and makes for a better workout.

Invest in Practical Equipment:

In creating a perfect gym, it is essential to focus on the basics. Bulky and non-usable gym equipment can be an eyesore in your space. List out the variety of equipment you need and what exercise regime you will follow. If you prefer weightlifting, dedicate a larger space to your gym, adding a sturdy bench and squat rack or a weight bench to hold weights. Suppose you prefer only HIT (high-intensity) workouts, cardio, body weight exercises or cycling. You can transform it into a multi-purpose space for a mat workout zone for zen yoga sessions.

An organised gym makes a whole lot of difference:

A crucial aspect of a great workout is an organised & uncluttered gym. It is essential to have basic equipment like racks to stack up dumbbells, barbells and weights. Utilising wall space with Hanging hooks and Cabinets to store elastic bands, Yoga mats, tools, and more will help preserve floor space and gives it a more aesthetic appeal.

Having adjacent electrical outlets while using electronic devices such as treadmills and cycles will prevent you from having extension wires that run across the room. You can also mount floor outlets below the machines to give off a more organised look.

Get motivated with uplifting & inspiring pieces:

A home gym that is centred on an attractive aspect helps improve both your body and your mind. A beautiful view can bring much joy to the workout. A pleasant painting, an inspiring piece, or an engaging print may do the job. Placing your equipment so that they draw attention to the wall décor will help you stay motivated as you work out. Investing in a sound music system has the power to boost our energy. Adding greenery to your indoor gym can also improve your daily workout sessions. Also, if you don’t have a room with plenty of natural light, you can always use light bulbs that produce bluish-white light, as it is more likely to make you feel attentive & refreshed. A well-lit home gym is invigorating and motivating.

So, whether you’re thinking of making a new one or revamping your old space, these tips will help you create an effective home gym. Remember to focus on planning, designing and making the space as functional as possible.

What are your favourites ways to amp up a home gym? Building soon? Contact Elante Homes.